2017. 11
VIsual:Youmin Chen
Sound:Yicheng Ma
Talking about "garden", the first word that we came up with is"artificial".
In general, 'garden' is understood as an imitation of natural environment and an extension of artistic conception of nature.
But for us, it is a captive of nature.
Just like humans captive wild animals as pets or livestock, and captive plants or fruit trees as agriculture.
As the power of nature is gradually capable to be controlled by mankind, the beauty of nature is also can be captived as an artwork surrounding our houses.
The image of this work is inspired by the similar construction and lines of forest and skyscrapers. I want to make the beauty of nature which is disappearing in the urban society reappear through unnatural materials.
It seems like the process of building a garden. But the materially unrealistic and bolshy points out that we are doubtful about this process.
Last but not least, in this collaboration, the sound installation made by Yicheng Ma completes the image of this work to the next level. The speakers he used are successfully fixing every audience to the location that we set for them. The mixture of natural and unnatural sounds breaks the rules of general sense, makes it a violent and aggressive experience.
Through the combination we want to captive audience in this space, to face humanity, and to express the suspect of the class-conscious concept of ‘garden’.